Tubectomy or Tubal Ligation or Tubal Sterilization is
a method of female sterilization where the fallopian tubes are either clipped, removed,
or blocked. This is performed to prevent the eggs from getting fertilized by
the sperm so that they cannot be implanted in fertilized form, into the uterus.
It is one of the most common surgical methods for birth control opted for by women. There are several techniques of tubal ligation used. Here is a synopsis of each of them for a better understanding.
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The Types of Tubal Sterilization
A part of the fallopian tube that lies closest to the ovary is taken out. Once
this is done, the tube is no longer able to collect eggs from the ovary and
pass them down to the uterus. The advantage of this procedure is that it is
reversible. The remaining part of the tube can always be opened in case the
woman wishes to conceive again. The success rate is however low and therefore
it is an uncommon method to consider.
Monopolar Coagulation: Monopolar coagulation is a method that used electric
current flow for cauterizing the fallopian tube. It is also not that common
because of low success rates. Besides, the cauterizing process ends up damaging
the fallopian tube considerably.
Bipolar Coagulation: Bipolar coagulation is a considered to be the most common type of tubectomy. The basic process
of cauterizing the fallopian tube remains the same here. Damage to the
fallopian tube is not as much as in monopolar. Unlike monopolar where an
instrument with only one electrode is used, here the instrument has two
electrodes. What makes it popular is
that it is a laparoscopic method for sterilization, which many women find
easier to handle.
Using a Tubal Clip or a Hulka Clip: As is evident from the name, this technique engages
a clip which is used to block the fallopian tube. The clip is a stainless-steel,
gold-plated device which is inserted into the abdominal cavity with the help of
a clip applicator, laparoscopically. The success rate is almost 80 to 85
Using a Tubal Ring: This method uses a silastic band to block the fallopian tubes
permanently. The tubes are double folded. A silastic ring is stretched on the
outside of the ring applicator and is then releases laparoscopically onto the
folded loop. The ring then contracts due its elastic properties and narrows
down the base of the folded loop, thus blocking the passage of the fallopian
tube. High success rates make this a common choice.
The Irving Procedure: In this procedure, two sutures or stitches are placed around the
fallopian tube, subsequently, the tubal lining segment between the sutures is
removed. In the end, the ends of the tubes are attached again to the uterus.
This process is not so common.
The choice of technique can differ. It’s important to
pick a maternity hospital in Delhi
that has tubal ligation specialists. Prior to the procedure, a battery of tests
would be carried out for ensuring that the patient does not suffer from other
medical complications and does not have a history of abdominal surgery.
Many a times, tubal sterilization can be carried out right after a normal delivery or C section delivery. Your doctor will be the best judge.